Pergola Roofs: The Most Popular Variants

Jun 19, 2024
Pergola Roofs: The Most Popular Variants

A pergola is a highly popular outdoor structure that offers new possibilities for enhancing your outdoor space. With various types of pergolas available, it can be challenging to determine which option is best. A key consideration for any pergola roof is effective drainage, ensuring you can enjoy your outdoor space even during heavy rain. In this guide, we will explain the differences between various pergola roofs, helping you choose the one that best suits your needs.


Common Pergola Roof Types

Fabric Roofs and Slatted Roofs

Pergola roofs allow you to enjoy your patio without retreating indoors when it rains, unlike traditional pergolas with just a framework and beams. Fabric and slatted roofs are the most common solutions, providing flexibility and enhancing the pergola's aesthetic appeal, though they differ in several ways.

Fabric Roofs

Fabric roofs can be retracted to create a large open space, offering more light and an airy outdoor experience. However, they may have some drawbacks, such as fabric bunching up when retracted and the roof never fully opening. Over time, fabric roofs can become loose and are more prone to collecting dirt compared to slatted roofs.

Slatted Roofs
Pergolux pergola slatted roof that opens easily with a crank
Slatted roofs, typically made from aluminum, allow for adjustable openings. You can let in sunlight by opening the slats and quickly close them with a crank when it rains. Slatted roofs are aesthetically pleasing due to the uniform spacing between slats. They also provide excellent water drainage, preventing water from pooling on the roof.

Motorized vs. Manual Roofs

The choice between motorized and manual pergola roofs significantly impacts cost and convenience. Motorized roofs are user-friendly and often appear more luxurious. They are especially advantageous for fabric roofs, as they reduce the risk of the fabric becoming loose over time. For slatted roofs, motorized options like the Skydance pergola from PERGOLUX offer the convenience of remote control operation and adjustable LED lighting. However, manual roofs are also highly flexible and user-friendly, eliminating the risk of motor failure and the need to search for remote controls.

The Advantages of Slatted Roofs

PERGOLUX's main model features a slatted roof for several reasons. Slatted roofs consist of rotatable aluminum profiles that overlap when closed, offering excellent flexibility. The slats direct water to side gutters, ensuring effective drainage. Unlike many other pergola roofs, PERGOLUX's slats are reinforced, providing greater durability and resistance to rain without a central leakage point.

Benefits of Adjustable Slatted Roofs

Pergolux skydance pergola with electric slatted roof and adjustable LED lighting

An adjustable slatted roof allows you to respond to changing weather conditions quickly. The rotatable slats can be opened or closed in seconds, providing shade or shelter as needed. This feature also lets you enjoy sunny days without sacrificing protection during rainy weather. Moreover, slatted roofs create a beautiful light pattern, enhancing the pergola's aesthetic appeal.

Durability and Maintenance

The durability of slatted roofs varies widely. High-end slatted roofs can withstand significant weight, while cheaper options may be less robust. PERGOLUX's reinforced slats are designed to handle substantial loads, making them suitable for year-round use. In snowy conditions, the slats can be opened to allow snow to fall through, preventing accumulation.

Installation and Cost

Installation is a significant part of the cost for motorized and complex pergola solutions, typically requiring professional expertise. However, PERGOLUX has designed its pergolas for easy self-assembly, saving you money on installation costs. The slatted roof features a "click" system, allowing for quick and easy installation without special tools or experience.

Smart Drainage System

Pergolux pergola with slatted roof

PERGOLUX pergolas feature an intelligent drainage system that directs water along the slats and into side gutters, down through the pillars, and out at the base. This prevents water from splashing down the sides and keeps the area beneath the pergola dry, even during heavy rain.

Key Advantages of Pergolas with Roofs

Adjustable Sun and Shade: Use the crank to control the amount of sun and shade with ease.
Rain Protection: Enjoy outdoor activities without getting wet, even on rainy days.
Defined Patio Zones: Create distinct areas on your patio, enhancing its functionality and appeal.

Enhanced Flexibility: A pergola with a roof offers more usability compared to one without, providing shelter and atmosphere.
Aesthetic Appeal: Slatted roofs not only offer flexibility but also add a stylish design element to your outdoor space.

Order your PERGOLUX pergola with a louvered roof today and transform your outdoor living experience!